[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: your mail

Donovan Baarda abo at minkirri.apana.org.au
Tue Aug 13 09:42:37 EST 2002

On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 01:23:40AM +1000, Vincent Chin wrote:
> Ripped from
> http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Linux.Wireless.usage.html
> In other words, don't expect to use your Linux PC as a wireless bridge or 
> wireless Access Points with most products out there, and forget about 
> turning it into an Access Point. Of course, there is some exceptions. "
> " The workaround is to set the wireless LAN in ad-hoc mode and to use other 
> methods, such as routing, masquerading, IP bridging, ARP proxying... "
> [[ Yes, I am in a process of building a wireless-lan <-> wired-lan bridge. 
> But I don't understand what this guy is talking about. Anyone?

I think he is basicly talking about Access Points being slightly wierd, and
hence you can't expect your linux bridge based "access point" to interact
happily with them. He also mentions that some cards do not even have the
required modes to support it (I heard someone mention that the cards must
support "AP Mode").

However, that doesn't mean you can't make a linux based solution work, it
just probably wont interact with other AP's.

BTW, has anyone looked at sputnik? It looks like a drop-in linux distro
specificly for wireless community networks with proper firewall protection,
authentication, QOS bandwidth limiting to allow different levels of access,
etc. The idea is you can offer free roaming access to the masses, but limit
their access, reserving most of the bandwith and access rights for
"members". It claims to do caching, track usage, remote management, etc etc

They have very specific hardware requirements, so it looks like they are
using some sort of "AP Mode". You can check it out and download here;


I'd be interested in comments from anyone who looks at it;

ABO: finger abo at minkirri.apana.org.au for more info, including pgp key

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