[MLB-WIRELESS] 8th August 2002 Committee Meeting minutes

Steven Haigh netwiz at optushome.com.au
Thu Aug 8 21:23:13 EST 2002

Minutes of committee meeting 8th August 2002


Present:  Steven Haigh, Darren Dreis, Tyson Clugg, Rowan Wainwright-Smith

Apologies: Tristan Gulyas, David "Clae" Gason



Accept previous minutes to be true and correct.

TIB be made member only for sellers for fraud protection.

Should Melbourne Wireless accept interstate members.

Should the TIB deals be moderated.

Melbourne.wireless.org.au to be launched on Friday at users meeting

Preview presentations of vendors before meetings.



Meeting commenced: 8:50pm


TIB be made member only for sellers for fraud protection.


Tyson: All deals placed on the TIB must be made by a registered member with current contact details. Details shown on the TIB should include first and last name, valid email address and member number.


Seconded by Steven Haigh. Passed unanimous.


Should Melbourne Wireless accept interstate members?


Steven: Do we accept interstate members? Considering that an interstate membership also constitutes a vote for elections, and other group matters.


Rowan: Melbourne Wireless should consider a non-voting membership for interstate memberships.


Tyson: Interstate members should be accepted at the discretion of the committee.


Resolution: Operate within the current constitution and process interstate members using the same process as existing Melbourne based members.


Should the TIB be moderated?


Darren: Moderate the TIB to stop "non-bulk" sales like individual items.


Tyson: Moderate the TIB to stop "non-bulk" sales like individual items. Anyone from the committee can approve deals.


Steven: Consult with Fenn regarding coding changes to TIB to suit.


Seconded by Tyson. Passed unanimously.


Melbourne.wireless.org.au to be launched on Friday at users meeting.

Steven: that the new Melbourne.wireless.org.au site be launched and announced at the Friday users meeting. www.wireless.org.au will continue to operate until all data merged to Melbourne.wireless.org.au


Seconded by Tyson, Passed unanimously.


Preview presentations of vendors before meetings.


Tyson: That all presenters at user meetings be previewed by the committee.


Steven: Remains as is.


Seconded by Rowan. Passed unanimously.



Meeting closed at 9:16pm.

Steven Haigh
President - Melbourne Wireless

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