[MLB-WIRELESS] online voting

Tyson Clugg tyson at wireless.org.au
Thu Aug 8 22:41:46 EST 2002

Dwayne wrote:
> Tyson Clugg wrote:
> >
> > HOWTO:
> > Have procmail munge the "Reply-To:" header for messages received from
> > list.
> What if you don't use either procmail or outlook express?

Then all I can say is "read the fine manual".  I'm sorry, but I have shown
people here how to do it in what I have available to me.

Perhaps other people can contribute details on how to achieve the same thing
in other programs - it should not be impossible.  Once you have figured it
out for your software, share how you did it with everyone and this will
become a non-issue.  C'mon people, its not *that* difficult...


   Tyson at wireless.org.au
 Treasurer at wireless.org.au
   B/H: +61 3 9545 8117
   A/H: +61 3 9887 0117
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