[MLB-WIRELESS] a020/a032 firmware

jv at teragen.com.au jv at teragen.com.au
Tue Aug 6 23:23:02 EST 2002

I have a niokia A020 ap that I have just upgraded the firmware in it to try 
to get some 11mb roamabout cards to work in. Now I have found out 
the AP does not want to run with any card but a C110/C111 card. Any 
of these 3 things would help out greatly.

1. The old firmware so I can get it to work with the old C020/C021 2mb 

2. Some firmware that allows it to use the roamabout cards ( If there is 
such a thing)

3. Some firmware for the roamabouts to make the nokia like it.

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