[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: Critical Systems & ISM

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Mon Aug 5 12:19:50 EST 2002

> It would be interesting to "see" just what the band occupancy is like,
> with a Spectrum Analyser. I also suspect lots of in house 
> cordless phone
> networks using proprietory protocols are on 2.4GHz too.
> It would be great to snoop the whole bandwidth to see whats 
> going on :-)

That could be a worthwhile exercise.  Now all we need is someone who can go
for a sniff around with a spectrum analyser to see what the general noise
floor is like.  Would be worth comparing different suburbs, and a rural area
(and/or a Faraday cage rated to 2.4 GHz), to establish a baseline (i.e.
equipment noise floor).

There have been reports in the (IT) trade rags of noise issues on 2.4 GHz in
various parts of the world, so it would be worth taking a closer look.

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