[MLB-WIRELESS] Wireless 'cloud' may offer silver lining Or is it just 'pie-in-the-sky' technology?

dwayne dwayne at pobox.com
Fri Aug 2 16:44:33 EST 2002

Robert Tchia wrote:
> Should we talk to Melbourne City Council, to see if they are interested in
> doing somthing similar?

Well, yes, certainly. I think it's a great idea.

It's sort of half-way between wireless hotspots and a metropolitan WAN.
Anyone here from Melbourne Uni? 

I think perhaps if a *consortium* of groups were formed, it would carry
far more weight than just us, and perhaps there'd be some useful
synergies as well.

Who could possibly be brought in? The Unis. Ooh, RMIT. The electricity
people. tramstops. The Milk Bar Owner's Association, or some such.

et ceterah.

I'm trying to think of groups who would have something to offer. We have
lots of people, some public profile, active research underway,
widespread membership (spread in demographic as well as geography), the
unis have research and possibly funding (yah sure), RMIT is in the CBD,
there are tramstops right through the innerish city, milk bars and 7/11s
are everywhere. Pubs already use SkyTV so they are aware of new tech and
possibly open to suggestions (and everywhere).

Hmmmm.  This is an interesting idea.  So, Rob: "yes"   :)

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