[MLB-WIRELESS] adhoc routing in kernel

Jason Jordan jas at pcguru.com.au
Tue Apr 30 09:14:30 EST 2002

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:15:38 -0700
Drew <drew at wireless.org.au> wrote:

> Kernel AODV is a loadable kernel module for Linux.  It implements AODV 
> routing between computers equipped with WLAN devices.  Kernel AODV began 
> as an update to the MadHoc 
> <http://www.nist.gov/cgi-bin/exit_nist.cgi?url=http://mad-hoc.flyinglinux
> .net/> implementation of the AODV protocol.  However it has evolved into a
> completely separate implementation. 
> http://w3.antd.nist.gov/wctg/aodv_kernel/index.html

Gee... *where* did you get *that* story from Drew?

Not http://www.e3.com.au by any teensy remote chance?

I figure it would be courteous to give credit when you lift stories.

Perhaps I should ban you from e3 like you banned EB from IRC?  After all,
according to you "spying" is wrong.... isn't it??


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