Nick Sibbing nick at artful.com.au
Mon Apr 29 14:11:00 EST 2002

> Matt Pearce wrote:
> For those of you interested in the PC-104 gear there is
> manufacturer about 5 minutes from my house that makes all this
> sorta gear.  Have a look at there web site
> http://www.jedmicro.com.au/ I am also going to drop by and
> visit today hopfully.

FWIW I think jedmicro would be great people to deal with they
have been around doing micro computer stuff here forever and
were (are?) big supporters of the Melb PC User group. Matt if
you drop by give them our website details etc

Kind Regards
Nick Sibbing
Artful Solutions
Fax (613) 9728 8294  Ph (613) 9728 8220
O438 22 4054

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