[MLB-WIRELESS] BulkBuy carryon

shane chubb bulkbuy at tronics.com.au
Wed Apr 24 09:39:42 EST 2002

Hi all

Just thought I would send an E-Mail out to the group covering a few
items which at the moment seem to be a little screwed up.

George Vieira and I arranged the original bulk buy for melbourne of
Cabletron PCMCIA wireless cards.

Over the past week or so I have had a number of people contacting me
asking why I have "taken" the order away from others who were in
negotiations with George.  I would like to make it clear that I was
approached by George to take care of the next round of cards available
as he trusted me after the previous round of cards.

Recently there have been a number of E-Mails going around regarding this
and certain people seem to think I played some roll in the recent
unavailability of cards.  I DID NOT.  In fact I was arranging with
George to take orders for his next bulkbuy until he advised me that
there were none available.  his reasons to me were that the company he
buys from had sold a large number to a customer and that did not leave
enough for us.  In no way do I feel that George is trying to deceive
anybody regarding these matters.

I receive approximately 600 E-mail messages a day and to sort through
them and find crap like this being circulated annoys the hell out of
me.  I hear someone is arranging a bulkbuy web page and I take my hat
off to you - it needed to be done.

For future bulkbuys through George's supplier I can be E-Mailed at the
following address: bulkbuy at tronics.com.au

Anyone wishing to have a whinge or a gripe send it to that address also.

And for those who have not been told directly by George, he has managed
to secure a small number of cards (approx 30).  he has done this ONLY to
show that he is in no way trying to deceive people.  In fact these 30
cards are coming out of other stocks which normally would not be
available.  Those interested have been asked to E-Mail me and I will
forward the orders to george once payment has been received.

I may sound like a hard arse but after being called at my home at 9:00
at night by someone wanting cards I am fed up with taking shit from
people who offer nothing in return to be but hastles.

So here it is as simple as I can put it.
If you are interested in buyinng PCMCIA cards or PCI Cradles, send me an
E-mail.  I will do everything I can to handle the order as smoothly and
efficiently as possible.  Those of you who purchased cards in the first
bulkbuy will know that I can be trusted for this.

As a last note, This E-Mail address is NOT subscribed to the list so
dont reply to the list expecting me to get it.  Personal E-Mail's sent
directly to this address is the only way you can reach me.

bulkbuy at tronics.com.au

To those of you who sent E-Mails to the list stating your unhappyness
with what happened, I can offer no suggestions and can only hope that
what I have written here helps to clear things up.


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