[WG-Structure] Inquiry into Wireless Broadband open for submissions...

Clae clae at tpg.com.au
Wed Apr 24 02:01:32 EST 2002

>Today I spotted an ad in The Australian saying that the House of
>Representatives are inviting submissions from the public or organisations
>regarding the Inquiry into Wireless Broadband...

That's great.

>We need to get these things running on this ASAP - I believe we need to have
>at least some kind of structure before we submit this - al be it a
>semi-official one.

We have one, Prez.  Your signature and a few others should make it 
official.  We can always submit individually as members of the public.

>Now the clock is really ticking - we need to have this completed by 22 May
>2002. We cannot afford to miss out on this.

Perhaps a new WG?

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