[MLB-WIRELESS] Inquiry into Wireless Broadband open for submissions...

Steven Haigh netwiz at optushome.com.au
Tue Apr 23 19:31:09 EST 2002

Today I spotted an ad in The Australian saying that the House of
Representatives are inviting submissions from the public or organisations
regarding the Inquiry into Wireless Broadband...

"The complete terms of reference are available through the Committee's web
site at www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/cta or by contacting the

"The deadline for submissions on this inquiry is 22 May 2002".

We need to get these things running on this ASAP - I believe we need to have
at least some kind of structure before we submit this - al be it a
semi-official one.

The inquiry in question can be found at:
and there is also a lot of information that can be found at
http://www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/documnts/howsub.htm regarding how to
make submissions and what they should include.

Now the clock is really ticking - we need to have this completed by 22 May
2002. We cannot afford to miss out on this.

Steven Haigh
President - Melbourne Wireless

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