[WG-Structure] Have a read guys

Clae clae at tpg.com.au
Sat Apr 20 12:11:17 EST 2002

>-->"Drew" == Drew  <drew at wireless.org.au> writes:


>but what stops individual people being sued as well?

for their own criminal or negligent actions?  nothing.

but what it does mean is that the directors and members won't lose 
their houses (cars/APs/bicycles) if the body goes broke in the course 
of normal, legal trading.  it's called "limited liability".

on the other hand, if the directors abuse the law and their 
responsibilities to drive the body into debt, the body or its members 
have the option of suing the directors.  company shareholders sue 
their directors for this all the time.

>but ok, yes, there's an organisation to target, but if we're prepared
>to sacrifice the it, then what was its value in the first place?

see above

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