[MLB-WIRELESS] [Fwd: Re: multi-card setup]

David Arnold arnold at dstc.monash.edu.au
Thu Apr 18 17:26:23 EST 2002

-->"Andrew" == Andrew Harcourt <gfg687472609 at geckomail.org> writes:

  Andrew> some vendor, I can't remember which, made some proprietary
  Andrew> tweaks to the 802.11a standard so that their gear talks at
  Andrew> 100Mbps, but only when you have their gear at both ends of
  Andrew> the link


  Andrew> For what it's worth, unless the 802.11a cards are well over
  Andrew> 3x as expensive as 802.11b cards, you could do pretty much
  Andrew> the same with two cards and two antennae.

USD179 from Proxim's online store.


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