[MLB-WIRELESS] PCI card questions answered???

Paul van den Bergen paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
Mon Apr 15 15:14:55 EST 2002

A couple of people have asked if the PCI cards are compatble with the PC 
wireless cards we are getting.  The answer is maybe.  I would be 
hessitant on offering any sort of guarentee at this stage.  I have heard 
tell that some combinations work just fine. Eg. win2k, linux, but I am 
unwilling to make any committments.  If they don't, I too will be burned...
Owner onus applies, etc.

In regards to the method of payment, I have no idea at this point how 
that will be handled...  I suspect that I will get that worked out in a 
day or two....  which leaves just two days to collect payments and 
organise the order.... *sigh*  likewise, delivery has not been worked 
out either, so we will have to play this by ear.  I am likely to want to 
just hand over the cards one meeting... unless people are willing to pay 
for mail twice and I want to do that many individual mailouts... :-)

As I have said before, I think this will work, but it is action at a 
distance as we are relying on a brisbane connection, etc.

here are the people who have said they want part of the action so far. 
 Don't know how many are available or what the minimum order size is, 
will try to find out...
Please have a look and correct any mistakes.

#cards    Name            Email
2    Brendon Colding        bcodling at jhd.com.au
1    Paul van den Bergen     paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
2    M00t Leader        chooken at m00t.cjb.net
2    Jason Hecker        jason at air.net.au
2    Ben Grech        vow at optushome.com.au
2    Steven De-Coi        sdecoi at bigpond.net.au
2    Andy Freeman        andy at kawasaki.nz
2    Chris Lineker        redback at xis.com.au
1    Bradley Ford        bradtford at hotmail.com
20?    Mikel Pretty        mpretty at sunitafe.edu.au
2?    Fenn Bailey        fenn_b at pacific.net.au
4    Carl Johnston        cjohnston at biziworks.com.au

42     total

Dr Paul van den Bergen
paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
+613 9925 1624 (RMIT)
+613 9905 4654 (Monash-less often)

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