[MLB-WIRELESS] [2600-AU] wireless access point (fwd)

sanbar sandbar at ozemail.com.au
Sun Apr 14 13:53:19 EST 2002

Cheap D-Link APs at http://www.ht.com.au.
- Barry

barry park
-=all your http_get are belong to us=-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 10:40:25 +1000
From: Michael Miller <michael at sixjay.com>
Reply-To: 2600-list at wiretapped.net
To: 2600-list at wiretapped.net
Subject: [2600-AU] wireless access point

Given the recent interest in wireless technology I thought I'd post this to 
the list. Harris Technology (www.ht.com.au) are selling a D-Link Access 
Point for $379 which I'm pretty sure is a bargain compared to the usual 
$600-800 price point.

D-Link or HT must be trying to get rid of some D-Link stock or something 
because a couple of weeks ago they also had a cable/dsl router at a reduced 
price too.


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