[MLB-WIRELESS] Streaming media at tonights meeting.

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Fri Apr 12 11:09:06 EST 2002

> Just to let everyone know that we will be attempting some 
> streaming media
> over wireless tonight using Windows media (time permitting). 
> We hope to try
> some live aswell as on demand feeds, maybe some 
> vidconferencing too. Anyone
> interested? If so bring down your windows notebooks/cards etc. Windows
> media player 7.1 will be a minimum requirement, it'll be 
> avialable on ftp
> tonight if you dont have it.

Bugger, I can't take part, WMP 7.1 doesn't install on Win 95. :-(  At least
stream with something we can all use... :(

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