[MLB-WIRELESS] Policy Meeting tonight!

Anderson, Steven SAnderso at pacificaccess.com.au
Thu Apr 11 16:22:23 EST 2002

I agree with your comments Tony and Ryan.
It would be great to get the ball rolling with this.
After all we can always vote on changes later.
I think it would be good to try and make it clear up front that the meeting
tomorrow could be just to get the ball rolling on this.  Or at least to make
a decision on that!
Also it would be a good time to ask people to come along to the meeting to
look at this issue.  After all, it has the potential to affect all those
interested in getting Community Wireless working on a large scale.
I have never been to a meeting before and had already decided to come along
this time, but this issue and Sydney Wireless saga have reinforced that
Hey if you don't like it you can opt to jump off the bandwagon.  It won't
cost you anything but a bit of time.  (It is FREE after all)
Just my 2 cents.
See you all there tomorrow anyway.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Tony Langdon [mailto:tlangdon at atctraining.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, 11 April 2002 15:25
To: 'ABBENHUYS, Ryan'; 'Melbwireless (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] Policy Meeting tonight!

...and remember guys, even if there are a few policy points that are iffy we
can still vote it in to get the ball rolling.  We can easily vote on any
changes to the policy at anytime providing notice is given!! That means
between Friday and the next meeting we can work out what changes have to be
made and make them effective at the following meeting!! 
Way to go.  We do need to look at our structure, so we can come up with
something that 
1.  works
2.  Doesn't land us in legal hot water
3.  Is financially viable
4.  Is not too easy to abuse (though nothing is 100% immune from power/ego
trips, greed, incompetence, etc).
5.  Meets the fundamental goals of Melbourne Wireless (as far as possible).
Add criteria as needed.
One point that is concerning me is the short notice announcement of
tonight's meeting.  Id it really critical that there needs to be a meeting
tonight?  Would it be better (say) to aim for the "general" vote at the next
(May) meeting and use the intervening 4 weeks to conduct one or more open
policy meetings with more advance notice?
Just a couple of constructive thoughts.

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