[MLB-WIRELESS] IP Addressing

David Arnold arnold at dstc.monash.edu.au
Tue Apr 9 11:28:19 EST 2002

-->"Roger" == Roger Venning <r.venning at telstra.com> writes:

  Roger> These nodes would then advertise their /32 allocation(s) from
  Roger> the 172.16 subnet as well as reachability to connected /28s
  Roger> drawn from 10.10 subnet into the OSPF mesh (locally) and
  Roger> potentially aggregated routes through Internet wormholes via
  Roger> eBGP.

under the envisaged scheme, how would local (neighbourhood, cafe, etc)
wireless clients be serviced?  does this scheme anticipate that such a
setup would require a separate 802.11 interface?


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