[MLB-WIRELESS] repost from e3.com.au regarding ACA

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Thu Apr 4 15:45:46 EST 2002

I suggest you read the comments and check the date it was posted....  clue:
technically, it was posted at least 21 minutes late ;) 

Tony Langdon
Systems Development and Support
ATC Training Australasia.  Level 1 310 King St Melbourne 3000.
Phone:  1300 13 1983   WWW:  http://www.atctraining.com.au

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vak [mailto:vak at alphalink.com.au]
> Sent: Thursday, 4 April 2002 15:37
> To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] repost from e3.com.au regarding ACA
> e3 - blogging the wireless freenet ... http://www.e3.com.au 
>  ACA to approve Non-Commercial 3rd Party Data Transfer  
>  posted by John Braha on Monday April 01 2002 @ 12:21AM WST 
>   I have seen a press release that will be issued on Tuesday 
> that states that
> the ACA will be approving the non-commercial transfer of 
> third party data. 
> This means that networks such as this one will be allowed to 
> transfer Internet
> data so long as there is no charge. 
> You'll be pleased to hear that removal of the necessary 
> "carrier status" and
> the requisite licencing fees will be marketed by the 
> Government rather heavily
> as proof of their "Knowledge Nation" Policies. 
> Are we finally becoming the Smart Cookies and leaving our 
> Global Village Idiot
> reputation behind?
> Reposted on Monday April 01 2002 @ 12:21AM WST 
> To unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo at wireless.org.au
> with "unsubscribe melbwireless" in the body of the message
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