[MLB-WIRELESS] bandwidth issues for the future/internet acces s

David Arnold arnold at dstc.monash.edu.au
Fri Oct 26 11:02:33 EST 2001

-->"Barry" == Barry Park <bpark at theage.fairfax.com.au> writes:

  Barry> I know for certain that sharing your bandwidth on a BigPond
  Barry> or Optus at Home broadband connection will get you disconnected
  Barry> with extreme prejudice.

the more commercially-oriented providers tend to be more sane in this
regard.  i've been meaning to get ADSL from pacific for months -- they
charge more, but their AUP is effectively "you pay -- we ship bits" ;-)

  Barry> <...> but I do believe it is there to create alternative
  Barry> bandwidth. I think this is an issue that needs to be cleared
  Barry> up, so please someone correct me if I am wrong.

i think this is one of the more interesting questions for
melb-wireless (and brismesh, xnet, etc).

given the ACA's stance on carriers, i wonder about the legality of
interconnects with the general Internet -- would that constitute
carriage of third-party traffic?  even if one end of the comms was
always a "member" of melb-wireless?

regardless of legalities, i think that the charging issues involved
will discourage most people from providing general-purpose gateways.

having said that, there's some applications where having multiple,
disjoint networks could be a fine thing: consider a web-proxy network
that first queries caches on the free network before attmepting a
charged download.  or a more general file-sharing service (think
napster/gnutella) which again checked free servers first, before
sucking it from the Internet via your charged/bandwidth-capped
network.  i suspect we'll see a lot of this style of development
shortly as the various metro-area wireless networks take off.

even without getting into application (or at least proxy service)
hacking like this, gaming, multimedia, VoIP, etc are all viable
on what is essentially a private network.


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