[MLB-WIRELESS] across the bay?

Hamish Moffatt hamish at cloud.net.au
Sun Nov 11 00:58:36 EST 2001

On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 12:16:14AM +1100, Ben Ryan wrote:
> > Unfortunately bounced signals are slightly delayed and interefere with the
> > straight line signal.  It is called multipath.  This can be a significant
> > problem with microwave links over water.  You need to get the antenna's nice
> > and high.
> ahh.. cisco have all that worked out.. VODFM uh vector orthagonal
> division frequency division mux.. pity only Ty Coon can string one up
> :(

Well.. I don't know about that.. but DSSS (direct sequence spread
spectrum) is supposedly fairly resistant to multipath. I've even heard
that it _benefits_ from multipath. I don't remember the details, but
any good DSSS reference should explain it.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish at debian.org> <hamish at cloud.net.au>

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